Our little munchkin is two! I can hardly believe it. (I think I say that with every birthday.) It was a fun day, although I don't think she was too excited with all the attention. We couldn't get a smile out of her for pictures. This year we had an owl theme, so cute! I made little owls and hung them on "branches" made from strips of plastic tablecloth. Did you know that if you hold the edge of a plastic tablecloth in both hands between thumb and forefinger and slightly stretch it, that it ruffles and looks like double ruffle ribbon! I didn't get a good picture of it but it looked so cute as drapey tree branches with the little owls. Here is Brinley's cake and dessert table.

She was ready to blow out the candles! We had to light them a second time so we could sing before she blew them out. And then she actually smiled when we clapped, which was rare for the night, so we did it again just to get a grin out of her.
She was completely spoiled by everyone. Unfortunately I had to exchange all of the clothes she was given for 3T's! I am in denial that she is actually that big. She still has some baby chunk, but really does not seem that big to me. She loves her tricycle! She found it earlier in the afternoon and there was no way she was getting off to wait until party time. I love it when she asks for her "cycle".

My sweet Brinley, I love you so much. These last two years have flown by and I can't believe that my baby is 2. You are such a sweetie and little stinker at the same time. Sometimes you are so snuggly and others times very stingey with your kisses. You know what you want and aren't quiet about voicing your opinion. Just like your brother and sisters were, you are a great talker for a 2 year old. And we love listening to everything you say. You are definitely the superstar of the household and have us all wrapped around your little finger. And we're pretty sure you know it! I love our little snuggles at bedtime each night. The way you snuggle into me for just a minute and I catch that sweet baby smell as I steal some kisses. You are amazing. Happy Birthday Baby Girl!